26+ Years and Still Loving the Challenge
It seems only fitting that the first blog post on our new website should coincide with an article in the StarTribune, Twin Cities newspaper, which decided to honor the tenacity and longevity of our little map-making company, Hedberg Maps.
It has been a struggle to stay alive amidst the technological revolution where mapping has taken center stage, but a few 180° shifts plus a lucky strike here and some elbow grease there, we have managed to stay afloat.
The most important shift was to the customization of maps for local businesses. In turn, they found the custom maps to be great marketing tools because their customers kept them. Maps are tools--it just makes sense.
A recent example is when the Super Bowl Host Committee called us up a while ago and asked for a customized map of downtown to aid their planning decisions. We took our downtown map and removed a layer or two, added their logo and printed it at a size large enough to help bring the downtown to life. It really is a beautiful and useful map . . .
Radisson Blu wanted all their chosen restaurants and other useful information highlighted for their guests on our map of downtown Minneapolis. The maps were then padded for ease of use by their concierge.
And as you can see, one nice feature of a custom title is that the customer can become the central feature of the map . . .
Another good example is Nice Ride, the bike share system in the Twin Cities. Hedberg Maps has contracted created all the printed mapping (folded takeaways and large station maps) since their beginning in 2010.
One of our favorites is the map and schedule we make for the Minneapolis Park & Recreation to show where all the FREE movies and concerts are in showing in the parks. The map is on one side and on the other side you will find the music and movie schedule.
This year, we decided to change our name to Hedberg Group which will allow us to evolve with the times and broaden our scope--putting all our passions under one umbrella.
We hope you will give us a call when you need a map made for you . . .