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All orders $300+ to lower 48 receive free shipping.

Welcome to Hedberg Maps

Purchase a map or hire us to make a custom map for you. We've been making maps for over 25 years and take great pride in our work with thousands of satisfied map users worldwide. For news and events (and deals), make sure to sign up to our email list!

College Maps

Minneapolis/Saint Paul Area Maps

Map Blog

Finding the College of your Dreams

Finding the College of your Dreams

It's Back to School Time! Well, many are not THAT excited... but many are as the future beckons. If you are a High School senior, that also means besides a full load of difficult classes, College Applications are likely in full swing.
August 14, 2018 by Tom Hedberg
WE SELL DREAMS! The 2018 Baseball Travel Map is available right now!

WE SELL DREAMS! The 2018 Baseball Travel Map is available right now!

We sell dreams! The 2018 Baseball Travel Map & Wall Map locates all major, minor and independent league teams. The index lists teams by league. Major league listings identify spring training location as well farm teams. An attractive and informative addition to any fan's glove compartment or wall!
March 28, 2018 by Tom Hedberg
26+ Years and Still Loving the Challenge

26+ Years and Still Loving the Challenge

It seems only fitting that the first blog post on our new website should coincide with an article in the StarTribune, Twin Cities newspaper, which decided to honor the tenacity and longevity of our little map-making company, Hedberg Maps. It has been a struggle to stay alive amidst the technological revolution where mapping has taken center stage, but a few 180° shifts plus a lucky strike here and some elbow grease there, we have managed to stay afloat.

July 18, 2017 by Tom Hedberg